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Old 11-13-2007, 08:04 AM
FortunaMaximus FortunaMaximus is offline
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Default Re: should all good athiest sceintist should believe in......

Neither. But linearly the chicken comes first, obviously.

I mean, infinity is a provable concept in mathematics, and there are numerous examples.

I tend to think this universe is just an expression of an very complicated mathematical equation. All those things about "coincidences" are illusory because since it's happened, it's a fundamental expression of a certain set of mathematics.

Chickens keep laying eggs and those eggs turn into chickens. And the process keeps going.

An omega intelligence or God would still be limited by perpetual infinite growth and that there are still unexpressed equations and sets.

Yeah, a multiverse model is viable, but much like quantum mechanics and theory, we're just beginning to get the inklings of how such a concept could be expressed.

What's unique is that mathematics can exist independently of life and you can create anything you want with it. Which doesn't necessarily lean one towards intelligent creation, but allows the possibility to approach 1.
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