Thread: CHI/ARZ Thread
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Old 10-18-2006, 05:53 PM
kevkev60614 kevkev60614 is offline
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Default Re: CHI/ARZ Thread


I readily admit this is a Bears town, first and foremost. They have good support. However, when the team is bad, they become a non-entity by the fifth or sixth week of the year.

I readily blame the fans for the team's patheticness over time as well. They love "Bear football." What that entails is an excellent defense (nothing wrong there), but very little regard for the offense in general. There is a desire to have the offense come out on the field and eat up clock to shorten up the game. The only thing the fans want to see is the defense. It's a big reason why the Bears have been the most unimaginative offense year over year (at least right up near the top). The fans constantly get what they deserve, because they love "Bear football."

Since LSU won the national title a few years back, I don't know of another fanbase that is so cocky with so little recent winning history. The fans seriously think they are among the elite franchises in the NFL...ROFL.

They have that South-siders edge to them. In other words, they're the type to goto a bar and look to pick a fight. That's why a guy like ditka is forever an icon. Forget that he was most likely intellectually overmatched for his job. He was a tough hombre who could be mean as hell. He's still a god in these parts. Nevermind the complete underachievement, he had the one year.

[/ QUOTE ]
I don't get how you can make a lucid argument about matchups and strategy in one post, and then in your next say something so insanely wrong. Your first paragraph is the most offensive. You've LIVED in Chicago. How can you state that Bears fans curl up after a few weeks of poor results? Bears jerseys aren't currently being taken out of closets, they were worn every bit as much two years ago when we were 5-11. Take a look at the waiting list for season ticket holders, compare it to other NFL franchises, and make a note of what true fans look like.

The second quoted paragraph is less offensive but just as stupid. As if the fans themselves should be held responsible for the roster and strategy of the team? Plus, as someone's already pointed out, there's no lack of desire for a functioning offense on MY part, I can say with certainty. We'd love to win every game 100-0, rather than 24-23. But history has proven that solid defense wins Superbowls, and if the salary cap requires we choose a side... what the hell do you care which we choose?

What's an "elite" franchise, btw? If it's one with an extensive history, real rivalries, and best current chances at a Superbowl victory then we are as elite as you are retarded. Tell me what Arizona has to distinguish itself as a franchise.

I don't know what picking a fight has to do with Bears football. There's only one poster in this thread picking a fight, and he's an Arizona fan. I know for a fact that the only reason you threw Ditka in your post was to round out the instigation. Props to you, I guess. But ftr, Ditka revolutionized the TE position.

Keep your Whopper-covered-fingers outta the Bears threads. These are good people. Let them be happy.
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