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Old 11-27-2007, 08:41 PM
rivermetimbers rivermetimbers is offline
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Location: College Park, MD
Posts: 145
Default Meal replacement shake for fat loss?

Basically im trying to lose about 15 pounds between now and the beginning of Feb. Im 5'8", 175, slightly overweight and have just begun to start back up lifting and running, doing about 1.5-2mi 3-4 times per week, and lifting 3-4 times per week. One of my roomates has this protein shake he drinks, its At-Large Opticen (hopefully somebody has heard of it). I tried it today after my workout and run, instead of dinner. Aside from being impossible to chug down and taking like an hour to drink, it wasnt bad tasting. My real question tho, is a low-fat protein shake meal replacement for lunch or dinner a good way to go about this (with working out obviously)? Also, has anybody tried any protein powders that taste good, and werent impossible to get down? Thanks for the help.

Edit: sorry if my typing sounds retarded, im playing poker while trying to type this, bad decision ldo
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