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Old 11-15-2007, 01:57 AM
RustyBrooks RustyBrooks is offline
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Default Re: Limp behind a higher pair limp? (Stud)

That is one crazy thing about stud games, is that it's so.. "it depends"

In holdem you only know your cards and some basic info about the people behind you, so it's easier to generalize. With stud it's not just what cards are left to act, and what cards have already acted, but also WHO folds that up cards you're most afraid of, etc. It's nutty. Razz isn't so bad because it's just a quick scan for low cards and suits don't matter. I ignore high cards except to note how many there are. PLUS in stud you have much more serious 3rd st issues to deal with since you can be such a huge dog on 3rd, wheras with a decent starting hand you are NEVER a huge dog on 3rd in razz.
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