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Old 09-02-2006, 03:20 PM
Lyric Lyric is offline
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Default Re: live etiquette: he hasn\'t mucked but doesn\'t want to show \'em

This seems a poor system. I don't want to be encouraging players to bluff me by allowing them to have a peaceful showdown after firing three barrels at me. They should at least know they're open mucking or showing the bluff when I call them.

People will lie about their hand in these spots as well. Recently I called three shots with 76 on a KQ744 board. At showdown after he was all-in, he said "pocket eights." I wait and he finally tables 82o for 8 high no draw.

In this situation if I open first I hurt myself in two ways. I don't get to see if he was semi-bluffing with JT, and he gets to see how I play.

Just because someone obviously doesn't want to show doesn't mean you shouldn't politely wait for them to table or muck. It's common practice in live games to table out of turn in these situations, but it's -EV, especially in live poker where you're seeing 20 hands/hour and every tabled hand is extremely valuable.
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