Thread: AC in America
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Old 11-15-2007, 07:16 PM
bbbaddd bbbaddd is offline
Join Date: Sep 2007
Posts: 73
Default Re: AC in America

I would not know of AC if I did not read these forums. I imagine most Americans have extremely limited exposure to AC.

Anarchy also seems to be a rather bad thing to desire. It's equal to chaos to a lot of people I talk to. In order to embrace a theory like AC, it seems you'd have to get over a lot of preconceptions you have over the way things work. You'd also have to understand economics and I'd venture to guess less than 1% of the entire population knows enough about microecon or macroecon to even CONSIDER AC an option.

I'd guess that AC movement will gain popularity in the near future. The internet, the falling dollar, and the growing disdain for politics in many people would be more likely to increase the popularity of AC than decrease it imo.

I'm an atheist with leanings towards AC fwiw.
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