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Old 11-21-2007, 07:08 AM
Burdzthewurd Burdzthewurd is offline
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Default Friend accused of plagarism - what can I do to help?

My friend recently has been accused of plagiarism by her professor, and I'm very upset (as is she obv.) considering I helped acquire text sources and proofread it many times.

All I've heard from her so far is that her professor has had it in for her and her friends the past few weeks, picking on them in class, making them go first, etc. and that he accused one paragraph of being plagiarized by saying the author's citation was wrong. She used ALA for citations, and for all but maybe 4-5 sentences of the 5-page paper, cited at the end of every sentence - for example - "Roosevelt introduction of the New Deal helped end the Great Depression (Huckaby 32). The only thing I can think of is that the professor is confused by editor being cited (the book is full of articles by different authors, but I was always told in my law classes that you list/cite the editor, not the specific authors of articles in the compilation).

I'm 99.9% sure no plagiarism went on, but I can't say I've ever heard of a case of a student beating these charges, but rather negotiating a zero on paper/zero in class/re-take, which is total BS if the student didn't cheat. I guess my question is, even with an Omsbud rep or drastic measures a lawyer, is it even possible to win over a professor's word here? I'll get more details as they come, but would like to hear anyone's experience, innocent or not, with the matter, since this is the first time I've known anyone personally in trouble with the matter.
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