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Old 11-10-2007, 04:49 PM
shemp shemp is offline
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Default Re: November [censored] thread

I planned November and most of December before I had gotten very deep into the OHS. It just doesn't fit well with how I'm planning to end up the year, although I suppose I'll do a 1x15x95 in a warm-up here and there.

You are right about the importance of introducing a light load. It would be more accurate for me to say that I have found stepping back and forward from the PVC pipe and using it for dislocates to be important parts of progressing with the movement.

On a related note. I like how much of a premium is placed on focus-- even at low loads and when you are entirely fresh. It's one of the reasons I don't see a need to push it. EG, say you are doing 1x15x95. No matter how comfortable you are with that task, if you have a really bad/sloppy rep at rep three, not only can you lose it, but you will also have created fatigue that will start to catch up with you later in the set.

There are other things I could add, but to have a lift which you feel has improved your posture after 2 months... there's not much bigger of a recommendation I can make.
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