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Old 06-25-2007, 10:08 PM
Stu Pidasso Stu Pidasso is offline
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Default The killing of Doc Brown....murder or self defense?

Here are the pertinant facts.

Doc Brown is a mad scientist who creates a machine that allows him to travel back in time.

On Dec 18th 1955 your parents were driving to a Christmas Party in the next town. Your parents car ran out of gas on a very lonely road during a freakishly strong snow storm. Bored and horny, your parents had sex and you were conceived in the back of a 1951 Studebaker. Were it not for this exact set of circumstances you would not have come into existence.

Doc Brown knows the circumstances of your conception.

Doc Brown confesses too you that he hates you as much as any man could hate anyone. He also tells you he has plotted the perfect plan to do you in. You ask him for the details of the plan. He is so confident of his plan he tells you that he intends to go back in time to Dec 18th 1955 and put 5 gallons of gas into the gas tank of your parents 1951 Studebaker. In all the years you have known Doc Brown, you have never seen or heard of him lieing to anyone. You are 100% certain he has the means, the motive, and the opportunity to end your existence.

The only way to prevent Doc Brown from ending your existence in the manner he has described is to kill him.

Would you kill Doc Brown? If your were on a jury deciding the case of someone who killed Doc Brown would you decide the killer was not guilty by reason of self defense?

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