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Old 12-01-2007, 06:17 AM
John Kilduff John Kilduff is offline
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Default UPDATE:

Im surprised nobody updated this.

Factions within the Sudan are calling for her execution. Factions in the Sudan don't talk out loud unless the Sudanese government are sympathetic to their message.

Anyone seen Salman Rushdie around lately?

[/ QUOTE ]

Updated: and here for your reading pleasure are excerpts about the crowd:

"KHARTOUM, Sudan (AP) - Thousands of Sudanese, many armed with clubs and swords and beating drums, burned pictures of a British teacher Friday and demanded her execution for insulting Islam by letting her students name a teddy bear Muhammad...

Many in the protesting crowd shouted "Kill her! Kill her by firing squad!"...

Protesters dismissed Gibbons' claims that she didn't mean to insult the prophet.

"It is a premeditated action, and this unbeliever thinks that she can fool us?" said Yassin Mubarak, a young dreadlocked man swathed in green and carrying a sword. "What she did requires her life to be taken."

...several thousand people converged on Khartoum's Martyrs Square, near the presidential palace, and began calling for Gibbons' execution. Many seemed to be from Sufi groups, religious sects that emphasize reverence for the prophet.

Some angrily denounced the teacher, but others smiled as they beat drums and burned newspapers with Gibbons' picture, waving swords and clubs and green banners, the color of Islam...

Chants of "Kill her!" and "No tolerance: Execution!" rang out as hundreds of police in riot gear stood by, keeping the crowd contained but not moving against the rally.

AP article
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