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Old 11-28-2007, 04:12 PM
tyler_cracker tyler_cracker is offline
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Default Re: do you chop? no, i prefer to play my five deuce offsuit, kthx

here's something i said at the beginning:

the "tags" make huge mistakes hu

[/ QUOTE ]

thanks for proving me right, several of you.

raising pf sucks because he's never folding and there's no reason to bloat the pot with 52o.

checking the flop sucks because we have bottom pair and an OESD ergo we bet for value. we can talk about checking behind the turn ui if it comes to it because we are in position.

even with only bottom pair, the flop is still a bet because villain has two overcards to our pair and we want him to either fold those or make an incorrect call in a pot we have intentionally kept small.

with only an oesd it's closer, but i still bet because we still have fold equity, this board is not particularly likely to hit his hand, and we are IP and can see a free river.

re: chopping. i didn't want to have a long chopping discussion, but i should have known better. one of the keys is that chopping etiquette says that you either ALWAYS chop or NEVER chop. you don't get to pick and choose based on your hand. waiting to look at your cards when you're in the blind is unnecessary unless you're a scumbag or a ward of the state.

now, can we please talk about the river decision? villain's line simulates what a donkey would do with a big hand (trips or a straight or a set, maybe AA or KK). this guy didn't seem like a donkey; he seemed more like someone who was trying to play well (i will be aggressive and win mobnies!) but just wasn't very good.

trips are a monster in a hu pot, especially considering the metagame considerations of my refusal to chop. still, i have the worst possible kicker and i have shown nothing but strength. can i really raise the river? fold or call if 3bet?
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