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Old 11-29-2007, 03:30 PM
Bill Haywood Bill Haywood is offline
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Default Re: Is Neo-Atheism The Way to Go? [Poll]

The problem is how to react to people who are clearly living in a dellusional world.

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Yes, this is the question. In public, your response should be calculated to influence either the theist or observers -- not indulge your need to act superior.

I don't think you'd be advocating that the country start engaging in formal debates if witchcraft ever threatened to become part of the science curriculum in your kid's public shool, would you?

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Well, it is threatening. My kids' public schools are thoroughly subverted by creationists, this is something I've been dealing with for some time.

You have to keep an eye toward what political strategy will help. You have to start where people's minds are at. Today's creationists claim to be scientifically based. Okay, take them at their word, debate the science. You will win over many. So many of people's beliefs are based just on going with the flow. You have to create a presence in the community of open evolutionists, so the sensible types have a pole to gravitate toward.

Little things I do: encourage my kids' interest in evolution. Send them to school carrying books I gave them, for everybody to see. Give them Darwin T-shirts to wear at school. Encourage them to challenge their teachers and converse with the other students. What my kids are not to do: angrily quit the discussion after informing everyone that they are unintelligent. (That doesn't go over either for an eleven year old, or a 24 year old like youse.)

What's wrong with laughing in a Wiccan's face the way we might laugh at someone who believes in witchcraft?

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So people don't think you are the angry-young-man whose conversation must be avoided at all costs.

No, seriously. There are certain people it is pointless to try and persuade, but you still want influence the people listening in. The point is to impact popular opinion, not satisfy the desire to blow off annoying beliefs. Not that you might never laugh at a creationist for therapy, but it makes no sense to just check out of the discussion just because their beliefs are so hopeless.

My main point: Just because something is scientifically unworthy of consideration does not mean it is not socially in need of addressing.
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