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Old 10-16-2007, 05:03 AM
Peleus Peleus is offline
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Default Re: Stars Conclusion (short answer = void is owned)

first of all im not mark teltscher, let a OP check up my IP adress and they can link me to Las Vegas, Bellagio. Mark Teltscher lives in London, UK. further than that mark teltscher was just in barcelona, and he's probably sleeping right now. I'm just here from an above perspective since everybody seems to think that the right thing to do was to disqualify the void, im just saying what doesnt point out 200 other players in this tournament should be disqualified as well?, seems to me like people want to disqualify the void just because they dont like Mark Teltscher? this is not about hate or love, its about doing the right thing, anyhow of course im sure pokerstars made a good investigation I just dont understand how they can prove anyone guilty without evidence enough? in fact the account The Void was not multiaccounting, what could be worse than multiaccounting ?

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I have no idea who thevoid is, or why people dislike him but I completely disagree with you. You're argument is going along the same lines of a drugs cheat athlete should not be stripped of their medals, because there are probably some other drug cheats out there that weren't good enough to win it.

Yeah there probably are other poker cheaters out there, however it should only be fair that if they are caught they suffer the same consequences. Obviously being successful brings more motivation to check out a single person, and I think this is great for online poker knowing that if you're multi accounting and score big, you will just loose it anyway.

Stars should not, and will not reveal the investigation behind the matter. They have no reason to lie, they have no financial gain, no motive. All revealing details potentially does is give away private information of the parties involved, and potentially make it harder to detect multi accouters in the future as they know what techniques are used to investigate them.

Well done stars for putting some integrity into the realm of online poker, where it is needed at the moment.