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Old 11-21-2007, 03:41 PM
aislephive aislephive is offline
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Default Re: How Kenny Tran Rates Internet Players

Have you ever played with really topnotch online guys? I'd wager you haven't, so I don't see how you're qualified to say how they're "so bad" at anything.

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Can u stop thinking u know something about me or who i played againts ? that's right, i have 70 post and registered 4 months ago. so ? do u think 2+2 is the only way to learn online poker, or poker in general ? we are not talking about individuals, and that's why i'm not saying that u have 5000+ posts here, and got registered more then 5+ years ago, so probably playing like 6+ years, but still playing 1/2, 2/4 for a 10-15+ buy-ins per month (that's the highest and, most posters here playing or earning). it's not about u or me, we are discussing in general about the differnts between online poker players and live poker players, cash games only.

But that's the best way to make money in those endeavors. It's not like these guys are getting to choose from sixty different tournaments in a given week. If you want to make a lot of money at tennis, you will end up playing the best players.

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and it seems u just don't want to get it, so i'll try to make it easier for u.
i'm not talking about finding ways to "make money", for 1 second forget about the money ! i'm talking about doing something and become best at it.
do you think that Bill Gates thought about money when he founded microsoft ? do u think he motivated himself by saying : "I have to make it done as soon as possible, for me to make so much moneeeeyyyy ! i just have to make money !! i have to make so much money so i can wipe my ass with it !!!", probably not.
do u think that when Roger Federer started to play tennis he thought about money as a 10 years boy ? he just worked hard, and deticated himself to the goal, but it wasn't money, the money just came along with the seccess and not the other way. the thing is first of all to be good at something, to do something, and the money will come to u.

ohh, and watch "scarface", you will see what will happen to if you keep thinking that way.

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Comparing the money aspects between poker and other professions is ridiculous. Of course guys like Federer didn't get involved in Tennis to make money. It takes a ton of natural skill and a ton of dedication to make any kind of real money from Tennis. You probably aren't going to make much money for several years if you make any at all. The difference is that poker is a game that is always played for money and you can pretty quickly with some hard work make good money. As for Bill Gates, I'm sure the main reason behind starting Microsoft was money. Regardless, poker is a completely different beast. Greed in poker is almost like a positive attribute, where as it would be looked at as a negative in almost anything else.
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