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Old 09-07-2007, 12:08 PM
Felix_Nietzsche Felix_Nietzsche is offline
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Default Kurdistan...

The problems with partioning.
1. The Sunnis have no oil.
2. The Kurds will demand the land they lost from Arabs via ethnic cleansing.
3. The Shia in the south will likley become a 'little Iran' and use their oil wealth to spread Shia terrorism.
4. The Kurds will be land-lock and exporting their oil will be a huge problem (not through Turkey or Iran).
5. The Turks will be ticked and seek to overthrow the Kurdish govt.

Add these together and you get war.
If it were up to me I would find the meanest and toughest Kurd and establish a Kurdish dictatorship. Turkey will be upset but screw them. When we needed their help before the war the screwed the USA. Time for payback to these former friends. A Kurdish dicatorship has the advantage where we have a friendly govt and the oil will no longer be used for terrorism. The new Kurdish dictator will need to raze a few villages to establish his 'alpha dog status' but afterwards it should be smooth sailing. After all, in Syria a 5% minority rules the entire country. The Kurds can do this easily....especially if Kurds from Turkey/Iran emigrate into the newly formed Kurdistan.

The USA can give the Kurds cover in the UN after other Arabs countries vote for sanctions after the Kurds use "Arab' like tactics to pacify the country...

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