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Old 11-02-2007, 08:47 AM
AZK AZK is offline
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Default Re: Pullups and made up workout questions

1) Both are essentially working your back, the accessory muscles are slightly different and the overlap isn't 100%, I alternate doing both, and wide/narrow. Pullups are a staple in my workouts (until I get strong enough to just rattle off dozens at a time, at which point they will become a warmup or I will add weight belts. I'd personally keep practicing whichever one you are weaker on. My numbers are pretty much the same, if you can do 6 chinups and not even one pull up thats a mental hang up. The range of motion and muscle isn't THAT different.

2 Thanksgiving is too soon and CF isn't focused enough for the 10k. Train for the 10k, run it. Start CF after.
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