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Old 10-20-2007, 07:53 PM
fnord_too fnord_too is offline
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Default Re: AP thread 87.1 - waiting on the statement ITT

Like others, I find it amusing when a company that blatently lies to its defrauded customers and tries to hide their entire operation from view gets upset at people digging stuff up. Here's a hint, if your actions are resulting in your friends getting caught in the crossfire, maybe you should rethink your actions.

AP - why not post your org structure and changes to it dating back to inception along with all major company filings? Just the stuff that would be on record if you were a public company, nothing propreitary. Personally, I would just like to see of a list of every entity (person and company) that has equity in AP or receives any compensation directly proportional to corporate revenue or profits.

Or, you could just keep working on your next statement trying to release as little information/propaganda/lies as possible to disperse the angry mob. How's that been working for you so far?

KGC might think about something similar. I don't think the barriers to entry of the server farm are that high, and right now AP is tainting more than just their own image, rightly or wrongly.