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Old 10-12-2007, 06:41 PM
NLfool NLfool is offline
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Default BJ tipping. Am I being a too cheap?

I really don't think I've ever been too cheap in regards to tipping but I think socal dealers might be getting spoiled or maybe I am too cheap.

This happened a few nights ago and after some drunken poker and losing my $15 min bet 4 times we all conclude I'm due and my dumbass friend who thinks he can count is saying it's good out loud (super dumbass) so I bet $500. And proceed to win 6 of 7 one of which is BJ. I slide the dealer 8 loose $5 chips I had left over and proceed to finish my drink and leave when I hear him grumble something about the tip. Note this is over a span of maybe 10-15 mins so IMO $40 for ~10 min of work is pretty good.

Don't know exactly what he said but even in my drunken state I knew he was complaining about the tip and he said something to the dealer pushing him. My friend almost went haywire but I just said let it go.

Then yesterday we plan on playing poker but of course I get sidetracked and play california BJ. It's really stupid where I can only bet 300 max at this table and must pay $1 for every $100 bet and my BJ only pays 6/5. Terrible game but it's BJ so I play. Again I lose some small pots and just bet bigger. I then go a little run and win 5 hands of $300. My friend grabs me to go get something to eat and I tip the 6 $5 chips I have.

Again a different Asian dealer complains about the tip in his native tougue which my friend understands. And later tells me about it over lunch. Maybe I am tipping too little but over the last month I've probably tipped over $500 in BJ tips alone. I'm thinking I might just save myself the thousands over the long haul of a year and not tip because it's pretty [censored] up to complain about any tip IMO unless the guy is tipping a nominal amount to spite the worker.
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