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Old 11-03-2007, 10:30 PM
BryanC BryanC is offline
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Default Re: Most retarded tournament player ever



Yeah I find it very sad, and the worst part is that this behaviour is encouraged because it makes for good TV...


That's what's really sad. Hellmuth's reward for acting with zero respect for anyone ever is a pass to the TV table in this event (ESPN cut short the bubble because he was short-stacked 10 handed). And now, plain as you like, Sam Grizzle's on the next series of PAD because he is a douche. For no other reason. This is what it's come to.

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Can you imagine hellmuths reaction if he was the dude with Ks in that situation ? I think the guy deserves alot of credit for keeping his cool I know I for one would find that very difficult

IMO this kind of behaviour should be punnishible in some way maybe a chip deduction or something along those lines. Im not saying everyone who jumps around or acts a fool should be punnished but I think its clearly needed for extreme cases such as this there needs to be a line drawn somewhere.
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