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Old 11-29-2007, 01:40 PM
J.A.Sucker J.A.Sucker is offline
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Default Re: Career Question- State School vs. Big Private

My thoughts would be the same as they would be for science - it doesn't matter. Also, do the research - you may just find something you like. In my example, I HATED my physical chemistry classes, and HATED every lab class I took in chemistry even more. I needed a job, though, and ended up working for a phyiscal chemist. I loved it. I had always planned to do something else, like med school or law school, but decided to go to grad school after working there. I'm glad I did. Even if you don't like it too much, at least you learned that, and the experience and recommendation that you will get from sticking it out will punch your ticket for whatever you want to do. No joke.
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