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Old 12-01-2007, 04:04 PM
shemp shemp is offline
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Default Re: theblackkeys\' \"Starting Strength\" log

Watch the entire video, if you didn't. I remember a couple of gems in there, but it may be that you need to already know to begin with.

Your shoulder blades are 1) pulled back and 2) down and your shoulders are 3) actively pressing 4) up with your 5) head through the window and 6) your elbows will be locked out-- 7) and out.

It all works together. "active shoulders" are "in your ears." Well, kinda. Consider the bottom of the pullup. Even though you are at full extension. Your elbows are a bit soft and your shoulders are not relaxed-- even when you hang, to do it safely, you must keep them tense. That is a variation on the same theme of keeping them active.

I don't know if this is helping...
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