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Old 06-16-2007, 01:39 PM
TimWillTell TimWillTell is offline
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Join Date: Jun 2005
Posts: 366
Default Re: Brandi: Why does she bother?

I don't really know what you mean by hearsay.

Mark and Brandi were having this fight in the thread.
So when Mark claimed to have had sex with her, she replied that she only gave him a handjob.
To me that's not hearsay, but you hearing it from me, I guess that's hearsay alright.

All the information about her came from her own replies.
She confirmed it all, and didn't even care, yet she became very angry about this writing in blood on the mirror thing and insisted that although she attempted suicide there was only blood on the floor and she did not write:"one day I'll fly!" in her own blood on the mirror.

A lot of people came to the conclusion that she is psychotic after the "passport incident" where she assaulted a security officer who was just doing his job.

Believe I'm not kidding; there will be a seguel!
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