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Old 11-30-2007, 06:02 PM
Senior Member
Join Date: Apr 2006
Location: Aiming for potholes
Posts: 543
Default Re: Examples of why your dad is/was awesome

When I was about 7 I got into my first fight and was sent to my room by my mother. She said wait until your dad gets home for your punishment. He came home came into my room acting all pissed off and then said "did you at least win" I told him I did and he said "good, or else you would be in trouble" that was so cool of him.

My father and I were never really close and one time he came home with tickets to go see the Steelers, our favorite team. Myself, my dad, and my brother all went, and after an awesome game, we ended up going to the Nudy bar because thats where a bunch of my friends were going after the game. This was so cool, me and my friends ended up putting some money together and got the strippers to bring my dad on stage. They took off his shirt, handcuffed his hands behind his back and beat the hell out of him with his belt. He was so embarrased, it was so damn fun, we were all wasted and he made us swear to never tell our mother.

A third story was about 4 years ago on St. Patricks day, I ended up getting into a bar fight and after defeating 7 guys with just the 3 of us kids that went out, I knew we were going to get into trouble. I saw one of the kids writing down our license plate number, so on the way home as we were pulling into our neighborhood, we saw about 4 police cars pulling into my neighborhood. We got our stories straightened out and I called my dad telling him what happened, adn that I might need bail money. He told me to come home and later that night the cops rang my doorbell and shined their lights into every window of my hosue for about 3 hours straight, we just sat on the ground in his room out of range of the windows, and just told funny stories and reminisced, it was definately a great father son moment that I will never forgot, he definately had my back that whole way.
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