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Old 04-11-2007, 09:07 AM
ItalianFX ItalianFX is offline
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Default Re: If you were a cop...

ItalianFX and other members of the fuzz,

Do those stickers people have on their cars that say "I support the local police" or whatever make a lick of difference when you pull somebody over?

[/ QUOTE ]

Never seen them, but probably not. Depends on what their affiliation is.

We have a guy complaining that we aren't doing our job (less the details) and he wants us to start citing more people. So some guy who doesn't work for the police, doesn't see what goes on in our eyes, makes opinions from what HE sees, wants us to step up and start writing more citations. Ok, so when we pull him over, we know what to do now. (My words)
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