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Old 11-19-2007, 05:37 PM
bav bav is offline
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Default Re: Sahara Tournament?

Bav, you must have some ill will towards AVP.

[/ QUOTE ]
Woawoawoa... back up a step.

I said I hate the way AVP displays the info.

That's it. That's all I said.

I LOVE AVP. It puts a lot of great info into an easy-to-access package. But I keep reading on 2+2, over and over, how Sahara has a 33% vig and how awful that is. When someone basically takes the list of tourneys and sorts by vig to weed out the really awful ones, Sahara gets unfairly punished.

I didn't instantly read something posted by Photoc and think "Ha! I'm gonna get that bastard." I read the post you were quoting and thought "ahah! I know where that misleading bit of info likely came from" and responded.

Mine was a post saying "Sahara's vig isn't so bad" not "AVP sucks".

And if it's true "people keep coming down on AVP", and "people" is "people in addition to bav", then accept it as constructive criticism. Fix it if you are convinced it should be fixed, ignore it if you wish but don't expect the commentary to stop.

Thicken thy skin, my friend. Running any service used by the public you're gonna get "feedback" you don't like. If you look for things to be pissed off about, you'll find 'em in everything you read. Sorry I tweaked a nerve.
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