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Old 11-15-2007, 03:20 PM
Splendour Splendour is offline
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Join Date: Dec 2006
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Default Re: Judgement Day: ID on Trial (LC)

Quote: Parents are free to send their children to privately funded schools which may set any curriculum they want. But publicly funded schools must not teach religiously based curricula.

No parents are not free. Usually all education entails an expense or sacrifice of some type after they already paid for the public school with their tax dollars.

A lot of parents are taking on the burden of homeschooling now. That costs them time and effort. Time always ='s money.

People are due the education they already paid for without science dictating the terms. Science is for the benefit of mankind not the other way around.

As for separation of church and state if the Scientists want to get too anal I'm sure some Congressmen will start a new law or maybe get a grassroots National Amendment movement started to protect taxpayer's rights. There's just as much to be said that this is a science issue not just a religious issue that can be argued and exception to laws are passed by Congress everyday. If they do a national referendum and pass it even the Supreme Court won't be able to overturn it.

Note: I couldn't see the program. I couldn't access it.
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