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Old 11-27-2007, 08:56 PM
killakev killakev is offline
Join Date: Apr 2007
Posts: 40
Default Re: How many people will make more than $250,000 this year playing poker?

Tell me if my math is right because I'm about to end this whole argument.

This year I made about 15k in poker part-time. I've never read a book and the only forum I visit on 2+2 is NVG. Therefore, the guys that read the books and visit the strat forums definitely make more than me and a great number of them are full-timers.

3k online
12k live games

There are over 5000 players (extensive research based on cardplayer of the year standings and hendonmob rankings) that play 10x the amount I play and are better than me.

Therefore 5000 making at least $150k.

Of those 5000 players, at least half of them are playing higher levels than myself, which would double their hourly rate and divided by the square root of the % which their skills are better than mine means that:

2500+ make $250k/year.

And this is not even factoring in tournament players.

So with Jerry Yang and lil hold em thrown into the equation, 2502+ @ $250k.
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