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Old 10-10-2007, 03:53 AM
onesandzeros onesandzeros is offline
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Default Re: Scientiifc Proof of Survival After Death

fear based reaction Jimbo? I think this paragraph quoted from the article may describe your situation and reaction Jimbo.

"The great strength of the powerful materialists who control orthodox scientific thinking is that they are banking on the fact that most people are not making an effort to understand even basic subatomic physics. Even a cursory glance at the subject shows that the physical universe is being produced from the invisible - the etheric universe. Please spike the guns of the "when-you're-dead,-you're-dead" merchants. Read Professor Richard Feynman's layman's guide to subatomic physics obtainable from bookshops and the library - QED. Once people have read the physicists' and rationalists' case explaining so-called paranormal phenomena they automatically become immune from falling for any supernatural absurdities. Never again will the masses fall under the spell of priestcraft. Never again will people be fooled by pseudo-scientists who are guilty of suppressing uncomfortable discoveries in physics solely to keep their power structures intact."