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Old 11-30-2007, 11:56 AM
Student Caine Student Caine is offline
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Join Date: Apr 2004
Posts: 791
Default Re: Lego Poker training videos....a joke?

When I got home, the vids ran great. I was on a cell modem, so it could have also been something on my end.

My opinion fwiw (and I am in no way affilliated with Leggo or Greggo or Carrotto):

Regardless of whether or not I agreed with everything that carrotsnake did in his video as "good play", what I really liked about it was that he did a great job of explaining his logic. Some of it made me go o.0 and looked a tad spewy, but given my track record for retardlike nittiness there is the chance that it is going over my head or so far against my nature that I just can't grasp it properly. The biggest thing though is that a lot of the material made me go 0.0! I got some really incredible insight into life on the lagtastic side.

I watched a little bit of Greg's video and all I can say is [censored] you guys are way better at this game than me.

I donked away like 8 BI's last night (this was before I watched the video so there is no correlation). Once I get my [censored] back together I will definitely be subscribing (if for nothing else, just to see the Bobbo vid everyone is going ape [censored] over) and signing up for the SSNL Group coaching.

Good job guys, I think you have the beginnings of a great place for people to learn about poker.
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