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Old 11-28-2007, 11:53 AM
pfapfap pfapfap is offline
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Default Re: some nuts a gonna get kicked

Yeah, you have a point about trying to get people involved in a hand to be quiet... the best is when someone's about to fold, says, "well, I can't beat your straight or your boat, especially not with four flush cards out there," and then folds. Dude, STFU. "But I was in the hand, I can say what I want!" For those of a hand completely, it's a lot easier to get them to stop, and they usually feel sheepish and apologize. But still, some of my most ridiculous confrontations have come when I've tried to politely get someone who's in a hand to stop talking about a it, and s/he says something like, "I was just saying there was a flush out there..." Uh, yes, exactly, that's not what you're supposed to do. The contrarian attitude (hey, my spellchecker doesn't like it either... stupid Camino) is what gets the floor over, and it's a big headache and nobody likes it. Thankfully, most people just say "ok" and that's that.

So yeah, all of you, the next time a dealer says something to try to get people to act in line, and it's something that won't affect your EV, please back the dealer. It goes a very long way to control the people who feel anybody in any position of "authority" is automatically a bad person and worth challenging. And if something like this is going on and the dealer isn't doing anything and you're not in the hand, say something to the dealer! It's a very delicate balance, and can spiral out of control so quickly sometimes, and often it's not worth getting involved if the table seems ok with it. That doesn't mean I don't get involved, but it's often a big hassle. It's always easier when a player complains first.
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