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Old 11-25-2007, 08:37 AM
bapazian bapazian is offline
Join Date: Oct 2006
Posts: 42
Default Race as a playing style stereotype in B&M

I was reading a post today and the guy was describing a live game where he makes a point to say that the villian was Asian in the hand. A later post someone mentioned that he should be more racially tolerant.

To preface the rest of this post I am not at all racist, I am educated, I am aware of racial stereotypes and why they exist, I am a young white male.


When it comes to poker it seems to me that racial stereotypes about types of players are actually useful when judging how someone could possibly play when first sitting down at a table.

When I go to Canterbury Park and sit at a table full of Asians I fully expect to be in for a variance roller coaster. Generally the Asians at the casinos I have played on are either very solid thinking players or complete GAMBOOOL! Obviously there are some people who prove the stereotype and some who are completely atypical. On average or maybe even a bit over the average amount of the time this stereotype holds true.

Old white men generally are weak-tight, loose-passive, or tight agressive in the games which I have encountered. I have not played against very many (sober) LAGs who are old or white. Most would be easilly exploitable nits.

The common stereotype I have seen for young white males is generally overly agressive bluff monkeys. Though this is definitely sometimes the case most if the young white males I play against are somewhere between weak-tight->tag.

What do you all think about stereotypes, do you think that some are relatively reliable as preliminary reads before you have the hands to create a real read or are they just... stereotypes?

(kinda a random/spontaneous post sorry)