Thread: Shell Game
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Old 11-16-2007, 02:01 AM
Decks Decks is offline
Join Date: Nov 2003
Posts: 50
Default Re: Shell Game

I watched some guys with a nice setup of this game on the Rambla(s?) in Barcelona several years ago. There was one main guy who was constantly moving up and down the street with his cardboard box and 3 cards. He was surrounded by a swarm of guys betting huge sums of money every 'hand'. There were guys throwing down 20s, 50s, even 100's and 'winning' and then walking away. Me and my friend sat at a cafe watching them for like 20 minutes. The guys who won would slowly circle around the street then come back and bet again, sometimes winning sometimes losing but always putting on a good show. Every few minutes some mark (so ovbious who they were) would flop down a 20 or 50 and not a single one got it right. We followed a group of 3 young guys who were laughing and chatting about losing a 50 euro note and how they were so sure it was the right card.

Moral of the story: Don't trust those shady Spaniards.
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