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Old 05-04-2007, 05:36 PM
onlinebeginner onlinebeginner is offline
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Default Beat:paperwriting

I had to write a two page paper by today for alcohal, had to be handed in by 430... i forgot about it and only had 10 minutes to do it.... i wish i made it a little funnier, but still fairly amusing.... doug funny refrence is definately the highlight
It is bad to defy authority. It is even worse to not be forthcoming about the act of defying authority. Drinking should not be taking place in the dorm. I should steer clear of those situations. Drinking in the dorms is against the rules, since it is against the rules, to drink in tbe dorms would be to defy authority.
to challenge the power of; resist boldly or openly: to defy parental authority.
to offer effective resistance to: a fort that defies attack.
to challenge (a person) to do something deemed impossible: They defied him to dive off the bridge.
Archaic. to challenge to a combat or contest.
a challenge; a defiance.

the power to determine, adjudicate, or otherwise settle issues or disputes; jurisdiction; the right to control, command, or determine.
a power or right delegated or given; authorization: Who has the authority to grant permission?
a person or body of persons in whom authority is vested, as a governmental agency.
Usually, authorities. persons having the legal power to make and enforce the law; government: They finally persuaded the authorities that they were not involved in espionage.

coming forth, or about to come forth; about to appear; approaching in time: the forthcoming concert.
ready or available when required or expected: He assured us that payment would be forthcoming.
frank and cooperative; candid: In his testimony, the senator could have been more forthcoming.
friendly and outgoing; sociable.

After researching the definitions to these three key terms I further understood what I did wrong. I defied authority by drinking. Then I was not forthcoming with information. This made more work for you people, and made it more confusing for everybody. That’s why I think this paper is an appropriate punishment, even though I have exams and other things to worry about you guys are giving me more work…. The punishment fits the crime kinda thing, I like your style.
When you defy authority you not only are lying to the authority but you are cheating yourself. Rules are in place for a reason, A former elementary school principal once said, “ if people didn’t follow the rules everything would be all higgldy piggldy”. Authority figures make rules for a reason and every needs to follow them so our society stays in order.
What made everything worse was the lack of being fortcoming. Making more work for authority causes strain on everyone, and I have definitely learned my lesson and will be more forthcoming in future situations,
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