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Old 05-05-2007, 01:01 PM
zer0 zer0 is offline
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Default Re: St.Louis Cardinal Josh Hancock killed...

double a, in my twenties (34 now), I smoked a lot. The guys who are telling you they weren't affected were lying to you and themselves.

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I smoked a lot too. Every day for like 5 years. I used to just drive around all day and smoke with friends when I was in high school. I never had any problems, or close calls, or anything of the like. Nobody is telling me anything. Many of my friends still drive around and smoke all the time. Im pretty sure if it were anywhere near as dangerous as drunk driving, they would have all been in multiple accidents by now and most likely be dead.

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stupid. i've driven drunk a lot (idiot, yadda yadda), and have never been in an accident. does that make it safe for me?
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