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Old 11-19-2007, 09:19 AM
mbillie1 mbillie1 is offline
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Default Re: Even Cooler Problem Involving e

As a non-mathematician, this depends highly on the average level of hotness. Because if the girls average about a 5/10, I'm letting a lot more go by. If the first 2 girls I see are knockouts, I'm probably taking the next hot piece of ass that walks out.

Also, how many beers have I had? Can I get some of these magic DS enticements? What Would Jesus Do? Is it acceptable to pick an ugly girl just to argue about religion with, but save the enticements for a hottie?

Mathematically I have no answer... I'd let 5-10 go by either way I suppose, because then my patience will have worn out and I'll want some ass already.
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