Thread: Define "Donkey"
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Old 11-17-2007, 08:58 AM
Mase31683 Mase31683 is offline
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Default Re: Define \"Donkey\"


They're all the same, players calling raises with weak hands, not folding cuz they have an underpair to the board, three to a flush. You've seen the story from the other posts, just players who aren't good. I don't ever call anyone a donkey really, I stick with the fishies. Although from my experience, Donkey is usually much more derogatory. Someone will see a real fishy game, and when a fish does what they're supposed to, play bad cards, but happens to win, now all of a sudden it's, "Omg you [censored] donkey!!!!"

When will we learn to embrace the variance and ensure the fish have a fun game? Please start being kind to the fish/evolved air breathing animals.
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