Thread: The Wall
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Old 03-29-2007, 07:46 PM
skunkworks skunkworks is offline
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Default Re: The Wall


You should see me when I get off work at 5-5:30. My drive home is only 15 minutes, but some days when I haven't been eating great or getting enough sleep, I'll drift asleep while waiting at intersections. Once I get home, I'll dick around on my computer until I get hungry enough to peel my ass off my seat.

In the past month or two though, I've discovered the joy of well-timed stimulants used in moderation: Monster Lo-Carb energy drinks. When I don't feel like I have enough energy or motivation to work out, I'll slam 3/4ths a can and then eat something light (banana, milk, etc). This usually gives me more than enough energy to finish up my day strong.

Typically, I loathe to rely on something like that to get me going (ex-smoker FTW), but if it makes the difference between working out or getting fat on the computer, how can I really object? I assuage my guilt by only doing this when work beats the [censored] out of me; if I'm feeling good after work, I'll head straight to the gym sans stimulants. I figure that using it sporadically will help it keep its effectiveness.
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