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Old 11-28-2007, 03:06 PM
Slim Pickens Slim Pickens is offline
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Default Re: ITM Stats for 6h SNGs?

...see how many chips you had going in to HU. The ratio of sum(all the chips you had to start HU) to (total 1st/2nd finishes * total chips in play per SNG) should be your skill-neutral 1st/2nd ratio.

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OK, im going to do this. Is there any better way than individually opening up each HH, scrolling towards bottom, and checking stack size upon entering HU?

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Uh... like pretty much any way is better than that. A bare minimum would be to use PT and sort by finish position, if you have the tournament summaries loaded. People have written programs that do stuff like that for you. Someone was working on a PokerEV-type thing for SNGs which would do all that and more.
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