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Old 10-22-2007, 09:38 PM
ChoicestHops ChoicestHops is offline
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Default I think I\'m turning into a Neoconservative

Currently I am supporting Ron Paul because of the foreign policy issues. However, lately I have questioning it. There seems to a lot of people saying Iran is really not a threat to The United States. Ron Paul consistently says something in the Republican debates that I really do not agree with. He says that Russia had 40,000 nukes and nothing happened then, and now we are scared of a country just getting one. Well, Russia knew of mutual destruction. Iran does too, but the problem is the nuke will not come from them but from a terrorist group not wearing Iranian colors.

When you look at the status of Iran, it really is a threat to us. Here's one video on Youtube, which looks like it aired on an Iranian news station. The country's leaders are rooted in Anti-semitism. John Haggee came out with his movie Obsession a while back, and while I understand he probably has a motive since he is a huge Evangelical Zionist with unwavering support for Israel, it's scary. Memri has so many videos of hate for Jews and the West. People come on their news channels and talk about the old propoganda book The Protocols of the Elders of Zion which Hitler made required reading in schools when he came to power.

Ron Paul thinks that there is blowback and that is the reason the Middle East want to kill us all. A lot of people think Islamofacism is some kind of myth when clearly it is not. I am really starting to question if we pull out completely if it will change anything. Yes, they are pissed at us because we put troops on the Holy Land and of our support of Israel. But the radical leaders of their states constantly show anti-Jew and American propoganda and want to spread Islam on us. If we pull out like Ron Paul wants to and let Iran develop nukes, it could be disastrous. Islamofacism is real and their radical leaders simply hate the West and if we dropped all foreign aid to Israel I don't think it would change a bit unless we were no longer the world's only leading superpower.

Here's a good quiz I took yesterday that tries to determine if you are a Realist, a Neoconservative, etc, and what past people like Wilson or Roosevelt would have been during our time.
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