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Old 08-28-2007, 04:27 PM
Alamo Alamo is offline
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Default Re: Antonio Puerta - RIP

According to various spanish websites and television programs where MD's explained what happened, he suffered from heart arythmia (dunno if translated correct). This condition manifests itself normally in between the ages of 20 and 40, causes scar tissue on the heart, and basically makes it impossible for the heart to function correctly.

One MD said that the only reason he was still alive was because he was immediately treated with a defibrillator, as normally this condition causes a sudden cardiac arrest that in the vast majority of the cases will prove to be lethal.

Earlier this year he already lost consciousness in a game in Badajoz I think, he was thoroughly checked and the doctors could not find anything, and as I understand, this was because there was simply nothing to be found.

I live very close to Monaco, the mood will be really strange this Friday I guess.

Last year the Barcelona and Sevilla fans made a big party on the streets, it will be a sad affair this year I guess.

A good thing Sevilla plays AC Milan, the Italian supporters will have the decency to show their respect and compassion, instead of chanting ugly things.

RIP Antonio Puerta
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