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Old 10-12-2007, 11:34 AM
TheDoubleA TheDoubleA is offline
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Join Date: Jul 2007
Posts: 250
Default Re: Being Told \"you have a problem\"

when u never see the sun you have somewhat of a problem, also dont talk to numbers to ppl oustide poker. They just dont get it.

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Amen! Big-time. You can't explain it to a non-gambler. If you tell them you won, they say you were just lucky this time. If you tell them you lost, they think you are a constant sucker. When asked, I give a brief answer, "I hold my own." Same with the stock market. I have never owned a bond or a CD or savings much. It is all in two mutual funds and I am up 21%, at least, this year. Folks who have to work warn me year after year than I am going broke. Could happen. Not. Don't tell them.

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I thought that was hilarious.

I agree with you though, I keep a majority of my money in riskier investments. (mutual funds and currency transactions) I quit telling people about it because I got tired of people telling me about how bad of an idea that was, even though they knew absolutly nothing about it at all. So I started to follow this:

You do have a problem and that is caring one bit about what other people think of you. Screw them.

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That being said, it is hard when those people are you parents, or people who you really respect.
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