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Old 10-29-2007, 06:36 PM
Join Date: Jul 2006
Posts: 41
Default Re: Sit \'n Go Strategy study group -- Part III: High Blind Play

here i noticed i am usually one of the short stacks/middle stacks and this is due to my tight play til now.
i must say that in watching colin moshman sit and go videos he has on stoxpoker he too is usally the same at least based on the samples i have seen.

still the push and fold he folllows, and when he get really low he says he will push with any two cards so not to lose fold equity.

now for the book.
with the bubble i find it hard to constantly push,, i must wiat for a quality hands, ace big , ace little, small pair, heck even suited connectors or just connectors.
i don't push with king something, or jack 8,. i might push all in with king nine.
this of course goes down to how much the blinds eating me are hititng me hard.

what i like to do is be on the other end and just do mini raises, and pot size raises.

here i don't mind varying my raises for if it is a mini raise it will be speculative,, but if it is a big raise it will be my kings and aces.
i think it is because of what colin mentions in the book, the ego and no one is going to push me around.
the big raise will tend to get called

this section helped me for it wasnt' until online ace , and some card runners video that i even heard of push or fold,
and i would just get blind out wiating for queens or jacks or tens or aces or kings.

it should be noted that the min riases comes as a chip leader,,
and sometimes i push with middle pair and i get called by ace queen and they hold up yay,,
or they lose and i become small stacked or short stack booo.

still i wont' push with any two cards,, unless really short stacked and then it may be a king 10,, but rare.
instead i prefer a pocket dueces .. is that bad ?

i am now going to try to incorpate the disgusing raise into my play ,, you know the one where you bet big but if they call you are going to stop and go ?

one thing i do if i have the chips lead is i let them fight it out , and wiat for a better hand but half of the time it backfires for i go card dead ,,no big ace, no pocket pairs just jack 2 and ten four..
should i be raising counting on fear value ,,if i get called and miss i am giving away chips ?
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