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Old 12-01-2007, 12:46 PM
Bill Haywood Bill Haywood is offline
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Default Re: Do you believe this BS? (Bill Moyers and historical content)

Are these wars worth it for the economic well being of the United States people?

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They are to insure full-spectrum dominance of the American empire. The empire being an alliance of the state with the major economic players.

Does the elite ruling class use mercenaries (the low-hanging fruit) subsidized by the bewildered heard to plunder the natural resources of other continents?

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I see it in a broader way. Wars are to benefit the American empire, not specific company Ripoff inc. Sure, certain corporations get special deals. The coup against Guatemala seems to have been rather parochial -- that is, benefiting one company (United Fruit).

But Gulf II is not to insure that corporation A pumps the oil. It is so that the empire control's the world's on-off switch. So on any kind of issue, Europe, Japan or anybody else have to defer to the U.S. Sure, Haliburton is given right of first pillage, but the project is bigger than enriching Cheney's cronies.
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