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Old 11-18-2007, 08:28 PM
dragonystic dragonystic is offline
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Default Re: free will and god poll

from what i know about the implication of quantum mechanics, which is granted very little, things exist as a 'probability wave' or something to that effect, a blur of possibilities, until they are observed, and only then do one of the possible things actually 'happen'

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random occurences on a subatomic level do nothing either for or against the argument of free will.

even if such random probabilities alter an action, no part of the persons "will" was involved in the matter. free will is a 2 part notion, not just the idea that someone could do something different, but also that the person himself actually initiates the altering.

floating on a sea of randomness is a far cry from free will. (although still admittedly better than a strict mechanical view of the world, where no free will exists.)
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