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Old 09-27-2007, 07:12 AM
XXXNoahXXX XXXNoahXXX is offline
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Default Re: Ask Noah About First Year of Law School, Getting inTop 10%, Law Re

Two things to understand.

1. Grading is on a curve. Studying like everyone else might not always be the best thing.

2. People will constantly be saying things like "lol you read the cases?", but those people probably read them 20 times. These are the older version of the people that tell everyone they got drunk the night before the SAT. They're lying/showing off. Nobody wants to be "that guy" but sometimes "that guy" gets As and gets the job of his choice. SO study as much as you feel comfortable/can handle.

I say read the cases, but if you don't have time and need to read the hornbook or case summary, it's not the end of the world.

Definitely no need for "exam prep" until probably mid-November. So no taking old exams just yet. Just keep on top of your reading, bust your ass in legal writing and research, and try to show up to class as much as possible.
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