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Old 11-29-2007, 08:08 PM
Kirkrrr Kirkrrr is offline
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Default Re: You wake up and... remember nothing about poker

1fineday, interesting post, some thoughts (as they come, in no particular order of importance)

1) Actually, this one is the single most important rule: preservation of capital as you start out, aka "bankroll management." If I could do one thing over, it would be to go back and stay the [censored] out of 10/20nl when my BR was only 10k or something. Only way to beat the game for the long-term is not to go broke in the short-term, and that's virtually guaranteed to happen if 20%+ of your BR is on the table at any given time. that I've assured myself of surviving and staying in the game for the long-term, I can start thinking how to improve the fastest. To that end:

2) Sign up for CR's and take an hour/day to watch their videos and take quick notes while I'm at it, goes hand in hand w. reading/posting on 2p2. Limit to posting is 1 hand/day, beyond that you start becoming a nuisance.

3) ...then set a goal of #/hands per day I want to play - # of hands is a lot more important than actual $ amounts since those will fluctuate with variance and in the short run isn't really under your control anyway, while how many hands you put in is the actual money in the long run.

4) Debrief after completing a playing session: go back and look at HH's and try to spot my own and the regulars' leaks. Far more effective when you're away from the tables since you can be a lot more objective.

...I think if I started from the beginning and did these things - and it's really, really hard to do all of them consistently, it requires a lot more discipline than the majority of people (perhaps myself included) possess - you would rip through 25nl - 50nl within the first 2 months, and go from there. Ummm, yeah that's it for now.

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