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Old 11-29-2007, 04:03 PM
ACG2x ACG2x is offline
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Default Re: Examples of why your dad is/was awesome

My dad is one of the few guys I've ever known who can make permed curly hair actually look good. He is nearly 50 but gets hit on/flirted with by women my age (26). Mom just rolls her eyes.

He's coached HS varsity basketball for almost 15 years and is one of the best basketball minds I've known.

I'm by no means mechanically sound so whenever something goes wrong in my house, he not only gives me advice on how to fix it, but will always come over and personally inspect the problem and often help me repair it that day.

When my wife and I were preparing for our wedding two years ago, we were tossing around ideas for the groom's dinner with my parents. We had several talks about fancy restaurants in the area and such. My dad comes up with the idea of having it at my parent's house.

He had the idea and basically planned out having all he and my mom's friends serve as bartenders, cooks, wait staff, etc. in addition to decorating their yard (they have an 8 foot high fence surronding their back yard) for it.

I think the total cost ended up being as much as if we would have treated everyone to a fancy restaurant dinner because we ended up inviting more people. He just thought the idea of having it at the house I grew up in was really cool, to which I concur. Our entire groom's dinner, wedding and honeymoon rocked.
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