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Old 08-17-2007, 04:14 PM
hornpout hornpout is offline
Join Date: Oct 2006
Location: with my fellow nerds at the nerdery
Posts: 52
Default Re: Coming to play when you know the others are tired (live).

ive done this many times 2-5nl at the woods. your logic prevails. the only difference is that even the deep stacks fall into dump mode with silly plays that only get calls if they are beat. that could send a deep stack into a train wreck fast if they are sleep deprived. the whole table culture has usually evolved into a circus by this time and you should be jovial upon arrival rather than a quiet outcast. there is a certain comradery among the players who may have otherwise started out as strangers. especially if they are next to each other for a long session.of course this can be a dangerous game if you are a nit, but if patient and prepared to be drawn out on a couple times, you are in a good situation. enjoy. send trip report. -mj
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