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Old 11-30-2007, 06:14 AM
scorcher863 scorcher863 is offline
Join Date: Jun 2007
Posts: 91
Default Re: Mormons In Group One

Ya see, Brett Favre is is like an Old Christianity and and ah Tony Romo is like a new Judaism. And well Muslim is like you know a Brett Favre from a parellel world. Whos' the best quaterback in the league. Some even think it's Tom Brady, and he's like your hindi quaterback. And then of course there's all these dead quaterbacks that don't play the game anymore. Astrology(Bart Starr), Joe Montana(Greek Mythology), and and Terry Bradshaw.

Now when you have these quaterbacks playing each other the team with the most points and the end of the game is gonna win.

[/ QUOTE ]

haha. This sounds like something John Madden would ramble on about during a game - especially that last sentence.
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