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Old 12-01-2007, 05:48 PM
Performify Performify is offline
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Default Re: the proof is in the pudding

This thread really got me thinking introspectively about some stuff. Which I guess is probably a lot more productive than anything I expected to come out of a thread with pudding in the title.

If your goal from the beginning was "eRespect" TLT, you went about it all wrong.

You want to know the best way to build a big eReputation / eFollowing?

Look up WaterOlay.

(head to search, type in WaterOlay in the Username Search field, and select older than 9 months in the date options and you'll find his first posts. When you're ready to move forward, use the older than / newer than combo to go forward through months, for example "older than 8 months but newer than 9" will move backwards a month through his posts.)

He came on here and had one of the sickest, hottest runs of any new capper I've ever seen. Made me money as I hopped on board early and used actual bankroll management to his picks instead of scaling my units the way he did.

Then of course he had personal problems and ended up exercising terrible bankroll management. But if you look at his lifetime win percentage on publicly posted picks against widely available lines he's one of the best cappers this forum or any forum has ever seen.

He had an insane e-following, and a lot of people who e-cared about him. Many offered bankroll management coaching, eFriendship, eFellowship, you name it, when he was having problems.

I'm not sure what your original goal was. From what i've seen and what we've talked in PMs, it seems to me like you truly believe that you are an excellent football handicapper.

You might be. You might not be. The only real way to know is to post picks and let your results speak for themselves.

If you're hot, if you're good, people will notice. eFans will eFlock in eBunches.

If you're not, we'll notice too.

Or you can just come on, and talk betting theory, bankroll optimization, share the occasional +EV nugget and balance that with an array of mockery and snide commentary. Works for some other people too.

But the one thing that never works anywhere in life is walking in somewhere and proclaiming your greatness.

Let your greatness stand by itself. If it's truly there.

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